I give advice and take responsibility – and anything in between

Well done, you have found my secret landing page. My company doesn’t have a name yet, but starting in August 2024, I’m ready to share my 17 years of expertise to help you with your digital product needs. Short or long gigs, part-time or full-time, I’m here to help – from sharing nuggets of advice to leading your product efforts.

I have a history of helping business owners, designers and developers reach the next level and ship wonderful products that create measurable results.

Making sense, making it happen – that sort of thing. matias.pietila@gmail.com & +358 5050 60 201.

Project inquiries

If you have a project in mind, click the button and let me know.

It’s not that strict, either. Feel free to press the button if you just want to have lunch.

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If you would like to stay in the loop and be among the first to know when I have something to share here, you can leave your email address below. Optionally, you can also take a short survey to help me better understand the needs of your organization to develop my offering further.

Give me a recommendation

Would you like to help me out in general? If you know me and have something positive to say about me, I would greatly appreciate it if you gave me a recommendation on Linkedin. If you don’t feel like endorsing me publicly, I’m also grateful for quotes I can use in my private marketing materials, either with or without your name. 🙏

Subscribe to my newsletter

Would you like to stay in touch and get my thought leadershippy newsletter content delivered right to your spam folder? Look no further! Below you can subscribe to my newsletter where I will follow the topical themes of digital product development, customer experience, and UX so you don’t have to. As a bonus, I will share some of my old war stories.

In the first issue, I will discuss what I learned during my past years as a chief product officer in a growth company that encountered the biggest market turmoil since the beginning of the 1990’s. And how we managed to get stuff shipped anyway.

My offering (WIP)

1st class
2nd opinions

Failing fast is good – learning fast without failing is even better. Sometimes it pays off to take a shortcut and ask someone who has been there before. Let me unbox your product and give you expert insight that will help you move forward in days.

License to kill
your darlings

Part-time or full-time, I’m happy to work with you and your team and get things moving. Whether it is about creating customer insight, defining product strategy, facilitating workshops, mentoring your designers or managing the delivery, I can help you.

Mobile first,
last, everything

I have worked with mobile apps since the dawn of the App Store, and still love the mobile platform the most. Business models, technology approach, design patterns, engagement, payments, and authentication. There are so many things to get right. (Or wrong. You decide.)